It was the largest mass religious conversion in the 21st century, with thousands accepting orthodox Islam.
Their actions are often the opposite of orthodox Islam.
In his book, he writes, similar to other authors, about the Conversation and relationship between orthodox Islam, westernization, and the results of such.
They are an ethnic group with a religion similar to orthodox Islam and Christianity.
Takfiri views on suicide also differ significantly from that of orthodox Islam.
Shabaks follow an independent religion, related to but distinct from orthodox Islam and Christianity.
All he needed were devotees to his twisted vision of orthodox Islam.
Ibadis also have several doctrinal differences with orthodox Islam, chief among them:
Many of these young men have found an expression for their growing sense of frustration, alienation and anger in orthodox Islam.
Main contributors, including the founders, came from religious backgrounds ranging from near-secularism to orthodox Islam.