This led to a controversy between orthodox Marxists and moderate revisionists.
Troelstra openly attacked the orthodox Marxists and the party congress in a formal resolution declared to oppose all labelling opportunists and revisionists.
Grossman led the resistance of orthodox Marxists to this current.
More orthodox Marxists objected to any form of private property.
In its totality, Bernstein's analysis formed a powerful critique of Marxism, and this caused to his vilification among many orthodox Marxists.
They regarded themselves as orthodox Marxists, destined to take charge of Chinese revolution.
The more moderate and orthodox Marxists - the Mensheviks - struggled to channel this protest in accordance with their own strategy.
In Magnitogorsk only two tiny "informals" have appeared - one made up of extreme Russian nationalists, the other of orthodox Marxists.
Despite its importance, it was-due to its subversive nature-severely criticized by both orthodox Marxists and academic theorists of various political and theoretical commitments.
"Having long been orthodox Marxists, we were sure we knew," he said.