Under his 11-year rule, Islamic law and customs were raised to a level of general prominence that had earlier prevailed only in the most orthodox circles.
In orthodox circles the term is understood to refer to the wider family of Hebrew peoples from whom Abraham came.
The "high places" as centers of worship seems to have moved from an acceptable place within Yahwism to an increasingly condemned status in official and orthodox circles.
He has been criticized in orthodox Catholic circles for not following the vow of obedience to the Church that he had taken as a Franciscan.
He was, however, regarded with suspicion in orthodox circles (cf. the Decretum Gelasii, 20) in spite of his services to Christian literature.
It is increasingly recognised (even in orthodox circles) that unhappiness or 'stress' is a contributing factor in the development of chronic illness.
Even in orthodox circles, the idea that our state of mind and personality has an influence over our physical health is beginning to gain credence once again.
Unlike before, opposition forces now found willing listeners among European fascist and orthodox Catholic circles in Spain.
Hahnemann's theory of miasms attracted a great deal of scorn and scepticism in his day, and this attitude has tended to persist, particularly in orthodox medical circles.
"There has been insistence in evangelically orthodox circles on the personal reality of Satan," Dr. Henry said.