As a central part of that compilation, The Art of War formed the foundations of orthodox military theory in China.
Transhumanist thought and research depart significantly from the mainstream and often directly challenge orthodox theories.
Dicey is generally regarded as the high priest of orthodox constitutional theory.
The book treats Nazism as a species of orthodox socialist theory.
One economist's analysis calculates that, despite increased overall spending, Christmas is a deadweight loss under orthodox microeconomic theory, because of the effect of gift-giving.
This document came to define 'orthodox' socialist theory before the October Revolution of 1917 caused a major split in the international socialist movement.
Then you can strain orthodox theory all out of shape and ignore the statistical laws of probability to account for most of the rest.
One of the reasons for this has been the dominance of orthodox economic theories in economic policy.
According to orthodox economic theory, prices generally increase with demand.
Mainstream science is scientific inquiry in an established field of study that does not depart significantly from orthodox theories.