Physical therapy for orthopedic conditions can include any combination of the following techniques: thermotherapy, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, muscle building exercises and coordination exercises.
His orthopedic condition greatly limited his mobility, but he swam and ice skated in childhood and remained a skilled swimmer throughout his life.
Maxwell said children suffering from burns, orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries and cleft palates will continue to be treated without charge to their families.
They may also have an orthopedic condition due to arthritis, spinal cord injury, or a congenital abnormality.
CURE's efforts are focused on providing medical care to children suffering primarily from orthopedic conditions.
The AAOS website contains information on orthopedic conditions and treatments, injury prevention, and wellness and exercise.
There are many factors that can lead to inaccuracies in sobriety testing including orthopedic or neurologic conditions, and fatigue.
Treatments available in Busko-Zdrój include those for: cardiovascular disease, rheumatic diseases, orthopedic conditions, neurological conditions, dermatological disorders and children's cerebral palsy.
The Bone and Joint Center provides comprehensive treatment and therapy for orthopedic conditions ranging from shoulder to foot and ankle.
The lab offers biofeedback therapy for persons with orthopedic and neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke and cerebral palsy.