Loath to lose a potentially lucrative ransom, they revolt against their ostensible leader, besieging him and the Basses in the hut.
And what is a still greater novelty, the mass do not now take their opinions from dignitaries in Church or State, from ostensible leaders, or from books.
The ostensible leader of the entire planet seemed directed by his distinctly nonsubservient subordinate.
Sirix, the ostensible leader, moved forward.
On the Jets, the ostensible leaders are Joe Klecko, Marty Lyons and Joe Fields, each an aging but respected lineman.
Once the colonists took up their stake acres and Landing's purpose had been accomplished, the ostensible leaders would turn consultants, with no more authority than other stakeholders.
But after a series of conflicts over the stable's name, colors and day-to-day management, Condren and Cornacchia voted to displace Brophy as the ostensible leader.
But still, he was their captain, the ostensible leader of this mission, despite the invisible presence of Janeway's personal representative, the Emergency Medical Hologram.
Dr. Warren, an evangelical Christian who holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Chicago, is the ostensible leader of what might be termed the better-selection movement.
She controls the organization through her lieutenants Jigon and Shikebaro, who are the ostensible leaders.