At least the pup's welfare was the ostensible object of the expedition.
Not to weary the company, is the ostensible, and no doubt the real object of the limitation.
If you gave them vague open-ended orders then you left them ready to notice anything, whether related to the ostensible object of an operation or not.
Koshay's ostensible object is to make and sell crackers to the planet's aborigines, of which he learned they were fond on a previous visit.
But the woman who was the ostensible object of his affections told the F.B.I. that he helped her to the bathroom when she was ill, the official said.
Their ostensible object is to attract the woman and get a free meal.
Their ostensible object is to disgrace the credit of Time Lease and replace them as the leading enterprise.
Both visionary efforts passed through their ostensible object to achieve union as an embrace of ghosts.
His ostensible object was, partly to congratulate the Senator on his return, partly to receive the monies lent to Rienzi by his brother.
In 1793 he was appointed ambassador to Vienna, with the ostensible object of securing financial assistance for the Rhenish campaign.