But the nomination has troubled many environmentalists and some scholars, who say his ostensibly neutral research is far from objective.
The Republican leadership is ostensibly neutral in Senate races until a candidate has the nomination.
By this time, a new, ostensibly neutral National Guard had been trained under U.S. tutelage.
I became interested in gesture that is ostensibly neutral, but nonetheless holds meaning, and the way in which people read gesture, whether consciously or not.
Frumin is an ostensibly neutral staff member and appointed keeper of the Senate's rules, and is opposed to the nuclear option.
Before the Declaration of Independence was even signed, weapons and other necessities were already flowing via the ostensibly neutral Dutch island of St. Eustatius.
Although the soldiers were ostensibly neutral, their actions favored the Dolan faction.
The Hanseatics on the other hand, ostensibly neutral, helped the Dutch circumvent any English blockades.
The tragedy necessarily reopens questions about the Navy's mission as an outside, ostensibly neutral force in a war zone.
During the Cold War Irish military policy, while ostensibly neutral, was biased towards NATO.