She still wore her simple green robes from Ne'elat, but now there was an otherworldly glow about them.
The moonlight pierced between the tree trunks and leafy branches and hanging vines, dappling the ferns and roots and fungi in an otherworldly silver-gray glow.
Blinding artificial lights give the setting an otherworldly white glow.
For filming purposes, it contained a hidden orange light bulb that produced an otherworldly glow.
The ceiling of the antechamber rose steadily higher, and the light from their headlamps cast an otherworldly glow over the scene.
Even in the blackness, Sara could see the hatred blazing in the other woman's eyes, the hideous otherworldly glow that Sara recognized as a lust for blood.
There were a huge canopy bed and two faux fireplaces, each of which had a fussy-looking screen and an otherworldly glow.
Even the scenes that are banished from the postcards - the time-share developments, the trinket shops, the clusters of poky tourists - pick up an otherworldly glow.
He has covered the walls and ceiling with a pink and mauve grid, giving the space a warm otherworldly glow (Johnson).
The Opti Brite lipstick also brightened the smile - but gave the lips a slightly otherworldly grape-colored glow.