They are often accused of using keyboards on their albums, an honest mistake due to the otherworldly sound that they achieve.
The 1992 piece "Gallery Music for Harp" examples this by engaging the listener with "a strong introductory flourish" developing into "gentle, otherworldly sounds."
The man famous for an otherworldly sound proved to be worldly wise in person.
He grew up in country Victoria learning to play piano, guitar and trumpet before discovering the bizarre and otherworldly sounds that were possible to make with a computer.
The early years were informed by the space race and the otherworldly sound of joe meek.
Long-haired girls in plaid flannel shirts closed their eyes as they listened; the music's otherworldly yet substantial sound hovered in the air.
Cale produced the otherworldly sound with his Vox organ.
It was such a foreign and otherworldly sound.
It was then, right at that second that a weird, eerie, almost otherworldly sound impinged on his consciousness.
During parts of the refrain, the colors are reversed, so the otherworldly scene onscreen matches the otherworldly sound coming from the speakers.