The best sea- otter skins sell generally in Kamtschatka for about thirty roubles each.
And the otter skin still resists water, even as old as it is.
The worn otter skin of her medicine bag hung down her other side.
Mr. Shylock, by the way, had the otter skins.
They also spread an otter skin on the snow at the edge of our encampment and once more set out offerings on it.
Strokher remains onboard while the others befriend the Russians, get them drunk, and steal the otter skins.
Secretary was to be paid 450 otter skins, and county clerk was valued at 500 raccoon skins.
In 1624 (the year New York was first settled) Dutch settlers were recorded having shipped 1500 beaver and 500 otter skins to Europe.
He had on his sled a bunch of beautifully cured otter skins, sea otters, you know, worth their weight in gold.
Though old and worn, it was obvious that it had been made from a whole otter skin, cured with the feet, tail, and head left on.