I would be impossible to pry him out of his little kingdom with his own private army.
I never dreamed my turning up was going to chisel you out of your kingdom.
That is why the ruler of this world has moved out of his own kingdom.
He'd started working to help drive Mezentio's men out of his kingdom.
He'd been driven out of his kingdom and he wanted to get it back.
They told me to keep moving along, to get myself out of their kingdom, or I would meet a terrible death.
"Now we get to drive the gods-damned southrons out of our kingdom once for all!"
Otherwise, you'll join your friend if you haven't managed to get out of my kingdom by that time.
Then the Prince became most confidential and told the little creature why he had been sent out of his father's kingdom.
But that was all later, and first, not ten minutes out of Lír's kingdom, they met a maiden who came hurrying toward them on foot.