About one out of 10 kids will develop eczema, which is a skin condition related to allergies and inflammation.
"The reality is that with two out of three kids in college and another about to go, I had to keep my original job," she explained.
But over the last decade there has been a tremendous growth in youth soccer here, with 1 out of 4 American kids now playing the game.
My mom is her first daughter out of 12 kids; she'd never been.
One out of three kids loved it.
I was just thinking how odd it is that two out of six kids on the project deteriorated so seriously.
A 1997 Gallup survey reported that 9 out of 10 kids report being very close to their parents.
"I had no correct answers out of nine kids after one clue," she reported.
Plus, out of six kids, I'd think at least two would be daughters.
"For three out of four kids, either a parent or a first-degree relative also wet the bed in childhood."