As long as he doesn't practice barking out orders like a drill sergeant.
I always think maybe that night or the next, you'll be snapping out orders to me.
And if it's come to where this railroad hands out orders like this one, I'm not going to work for it, either.
The guard was standing openmouthed, but he snapped to attention as the Admiral began to rap out orders.
The real issue, though, is whether it's proper to operate behind his back and hand out orders to White House aides.
Geography Some consideration should be given, within a very large authority, to spacing out orders geographically.
They had waited motionless, but she could sense the slight relief when she began to rap out orders.
Mr. Rumsfeld is the chief executive, the man who likes to be in charge and bark out orders.
I'll be sending out orders to the Regent at once.
Mars began to roar out orders, but Apollo at the same time seemed to be commanding yet another course of action.