The cast belts out songs for the standard eight shows a week, but there are five performances, instead of the customary four, crammed into each weekend.
In restaurants and nightclubs, people get up and without inhibition belt out songs - the polite, reserved nature of the Japanese turned completely around.
Finally, everyone will be asked to belt out patriotic songs like "Adams and Liberty," an original hit from the 1790's.
It features 10 tracks overall, out of which 6 tracks are songs and the remaining 4 Instrumental pieces, which belong to the film score.
Other musicians are digging out old songs.
And he continued to dribble out songs of extraordinarily high quality.
Spectators rise spontaneously from their seats and dance to the beat while soloists belt out songs from the stage.
Instead of using electric guitars, amplifiers and synthesizers to flesh out conventional songs, these artists focus on the specific properties such tools give music.
Children from age 5 to 18 are learning to belt out songs like "Officer Krupke" and to swagger for the show's dance routines.
When these girls open their mouths, it isn't to yawn but to belt out songs, and they do far more hoofing than tiptoeing.