Now he leaves behind the college landscape, perhaps to stake out new territory in the pros.
David Drake, an ornithologist at Rutgers, explained that the geese were just following animal instinct to stake out territory and protect their young.
"America was expanding and people began hacking out new territory, not only in the land but in their minds."
"Women who take on tough issues and stake out new territory are often on the receiving end of ignorance," she concluded.
This appeared to be an attempt to stake out territory in the run-up to Bosnia's likely recognition by the EC as an independent state.
Nevertheless, the fierce race to stake out territory in cyberspace is sure to change the shape of the sleepy electronic commons.
To score, players capture pieces by encircling them, and stake out territory with their stones.
As summer progressed, fewer and fewer eaters crossed the charred lines which now marked out human territory on Cynthia.
Even in this world not traveled much by African-Americans, she found places to stake out territory not just for herself but for an entire race.