McMichael, who might have been reduced to his last chance to make the majors this spring, will be asked to get that out this fall.
And its entertainment side is making a movie about King, due out this fall.
New national treatment guidelines are due out this fall.
"They tell me it will be as strong as ever in time, but I'll have to cut football out this fall."
He has also published a volume about his experiences teaching in a public school, and has a new collection of film criticism out this fall.
Third Eye Blind is working on its first album in three years, due out this fall.
Nevertheless, the couple pays $1,400 a month - and may move when their lease runs out this fall.
Williams is producing his second motivational rap album, due out this fall, and said he has "a few movie offers."
He might fix that in a memoir due out this fall by the New Press.
But that may be partly because buyers are waiting for 1997 models due out this fall.