Others are unclassified and consist mostly of students, out-of-school youth and the unemployed.
Many out-of-school youths found the much awaited chance to get back to school.
It motiveates out-of-school youths and adults to pursue and education or skill.
The university is open to all graduating high school students of Manila public schools and out-of-school youth.
Mindset is developing a Livelihoods channel for developing the skills of out-of-school youth.
The shirts are done by the out-of-school youth of Tagaytay.
The course is offered to train selected out-of-school youth the necessary skills for the handicraft industry in the Bicol Region.
Sports tournament participated by students and out-of-school youth.
KSWA has set an objective to reach out to underprivileged out-of-school youth a segment.
It has extensive programs for the elderly, solo parents, out-of-school youths and mothers.