In fact, the state is willing to help find jobs for out-of-state workers because employers are so needy.
But Professor Richardson said he thought much of the gambling was done by out-of-state workers who flocked to the Gulf Coast after the hurricanes.
His union has been kept very busy, but happily so, Mr. Martino said, coping with the first major influx of out-of-state workers in the plant's 91-year-history.
New Jersey currently taxes out-of-state workers at a rate based on the income earned in the state.
Should the strike continue, the company said it hopes to attract out-of-state workers by offering them permanent positions.
Clusters of companies chose to set up their operations near these employees, which in turn draws out-of-state workers with these skills to the area as well.
And Connecticut is not talking about imposing a commuter tax on its out-of-state workers, something New York City has proposed.
"The state did not provide those incentives for out-of-state workers to get jobs."
He is the co-sponsor of a measure now before the Legislature that imposes a so-called "commuter tax" on out-of-state workers whose jobs are in New Jersey.
Still, power company officials say they had as many out-of-state workers in place before the storm as they could handle.