The outbreak that followed, between 1577 to 1579, killed about 10% of the English population.
The entire outbreak killed at least 13 people across three states including 9 in Barneveld alone.
That two-year outbreak killed 123 people and ended in 2000.
In all, this outbreak killed at least 96 people and injured more than 350.
By the mid-1860's, four outbreaks had killed thousands, more than 5,000 in 1849 alone.
The original outbreak may kill a few million people, but that's mainly psychological.
An outbreak there in 1997 infected only 18 people but killed 6 of them.
An outbreak here in 1997 killed 6 of the 18 people infected.
The current outbreak in Vietnam has killed at least four people.
That outbreak killed about 34,000 people in the United States.