Although the centers started keeping statistics on college students only last year, outbreaks seem to have been rising in this group as well.
This outbreak seems to have left a trace in the genome of Y. pestis itself.
During the general election, a Chicago columnist observed that every outbreak of black violence seemed to drive up support for Goldwater.
The outbreak seems to have started months ago in southern China, where more than 300 people came down with an unusual pneumonia.
And no such outbreaks seem to have been reported in the United States.
Though the outbreak seemed to settle down during the winter season it was expected to recur next year in spring.
The greatest cluster was around the Paqu village, where the first outbreak seemed to have occurred.
The outbreak seems to have stabilized, and the fears are calming down on the backstretch.
Because the first outbreaks seemed to be associated with ground beef, scientists looked into cattle and other farm animals.
Ultimately, however, that one-family outbreak seems to have spontaneously died out.