Most states, while encouraging flu shots, have not altered their recommendations since the outbreak started.
The reason is that outbreaks of many infectious diseases start with one case.
The outbreak started after the funerals of two village chiefs, and 217 people in four villages fell ill.
The outbreak started in several places at once, miles apart, and the strains of the germ are identical.
Often such a big outbreak starts with a couple of cases.
The fact that the new outbreak had started with eighty-four cases overwhelmed her.
But it was not identified until 1993, after the mysterious outbreak had started taking lives on the Navajo Reservation.
If an outbreak of self-poisoning and self-injury starts on a ward, the staff need first to try to understand why it is happening.
The outbreak started with two cases detected on 20 February.
It was easy to see how a major outbreak could have started a disaster of national importance costing millions.