This analysis can only be restricted to the participants who fulfil the protocol in the terms of the eligibility, interventions, and outcome assessment.
This problem makes it difficult to determine the appropriate time to schedule outcome assessments and booster interventions.
The financial signature of an individual can be identified and measured using assessment instruments designed by the Perth Leadership Institute including the financial outcome assessment.
The paper examines different models of case management in terms of organizational structure, content, and outcome assessment.
The new trends in accreditation criteria have brought outcome assessment to focus.
The provider considers the pros and cons of giving the seeker the sought-after information (outcome assessment) and their efficacy to do so.
The Greene Menopause Index was used for outcome assessments at baseline before treatment and at 1, 3, and 6 months.
The study used an outcome questionnaire which asked a broad range of questions regarding demographics, medical data, outcome assessments and satisfaction with the support group experience.
Virtual Dental Patients provide valuable information in the diagnosis, prognosis, and outcome assessment of the patient's dental health.
Therefore, the outcome assessment in terms of failure or success of the new EITI regulation does not only "rest on the government's shoulders" but also on civil society and companies.