But Arcelor advisers and Luxembourg regulators both stressed this week that the outcome of any such meeting would not be legally binding.
Lawyers for the injured firefighters said the outcome would be binding on the rest of the lawsuits, though city lawyers disputed that assertion.
But with almost all Republicans and many Democrats insisting on some kind of vote in which they can register their opposition to an invasion, the leaders are trying to find some way to vote in which the outcome would not be binding.
There was never a question of the son profiting from his crime, but as the outcome would have been binding on lower courts in the future, the court found in favour of the mother's family.
Although Mr. Sharon has said he intends to disregard what transpired at Taba, Mr. Qurei said tonight, "The outcomes of the negotiations are binding for both sides, so they can resume from the point that they stopped at today."
The outcome of the mediation proposed by the F.C.C. would not be binding.
Among the discussions is not only who would participate but also whether the outcome of the plebiscite would be binding on the United States.
Mr. Schild further warned that although legal representation was not necessary, many people find they must still hire a lawyer when the outcome is legally binding.
Naturally, the outcome of our discussions today cannot be binding on the new Commission, which will still have to be approved by the new Parliament; nor can it be binding in any way on the new Parliament in its capacity as part of the budgetary authority.
Will the outcome of the expert's or arbitrator's determination be binding on all parties?