Now, the outcome of the first and most extensive Medicare trial yet indicates that the public, armed with the data developed, may make surprisingly conservative decisions.
This outcome indicates that environmental enrichment can indeed increase neurogenesis and reverse the cognitive decline.
For MIND itself, the outcome of the survey indicates that if community care has been established, it is not yet working:
In some areas the game was used as a tool for divination, with the outcome supposedly indicating how successful the year's harvest would be.
The main outcome indicated that alogliptin was statistically superior to both comparitors.
The following initial clusters occurred, with outcomes indicated:
Today's outcome indicated that the coming months will not be easy for Mr. Schroder.
The outcome of the actions undertaken indicates the need to include territorial cohesion amongst these objectives.
The outcome of the impact assessment indicates that open coordination may be the most appropriate method.
The dice's outcome will indicate an answer in the prediction manual.