I believe everyone agrees on the outcome of our mission: a quality education for every child.
We know not what the outcome of our mission might be.
That hesitation was what Skorzeny needed to gain the upper hand and the successful outcome of his mission.
Now the moon swung from side to side, indicating no. "Do you know the outcome of your group's mission here?"
Satisfied with the outcome of his mission, Josh headed for the door.
Do you see that it could change the outcome of our mission here?
He was already late, but not so terribly late that it should make a difference to the outcome of their mission.
And if Kirk had to take the time to beam them off the alien ship, it looked even worse for the outcome of their mission.
The boys, disappointed in the outcome of their mission, thanked the man and left.
It seems to me to be obvious that we should await the outcome of your mission.