He began using this outdated material, producing a blurred and almost abstract effect on his photographs.
Rarely, the term may refer to the Wikipedia:Historical archive page, for outdated historical material.
In days ahead, they also will refill the unit with used equipment, outdated material and trash that has been accumulating since the last shuttle visit.
The airmen assigned to handle the missiles used outdated materials that contained incorrect information on the status of the missiles.
His old-fashioned and outdated material fails to impress the audience when compared with the more trendy comics also appearing.
A paperback edition published by Ace Books in 1976 included updates of outdated material.
The revised version excised outdated material, updated this historical section, and added more information on the business and records-keeping end of being a writer.
His installations and films have the specificity to be produced with archaic and outdated material, such as VHS tapes.
"This U.K. dossier, which deceptively uses outdated material and plagiarizes, is just the latest example of official dishonesty."
I believe that we should all be ashamed of distributing such outdated materials to tens of thousands of people.