The fact that this assumption is no longer true should lead to the re-examination of outdated policies.
The study found frequently outdated policies, emphasizing only human reproduction and family life education, ignoring such issues as birth control and abortion.
Ms. Faulkner's drive and persistence in challenging the outdated "men only" policy at a public, federally funded institution are respectable.
Real people suffer real consequences from this outdated policy.
Thus the robot will try to intervene in the fate of the Galaxy with the outdated policies of expansionism and colonial rule.
But outdated federal policy doesn't offer enough support for this trend that is healthy for local farms, the economy and the environment.
"This marks the beginning of the an end for an outdated policy toward Cuba," he said.
It is an outdated policy that makes no sense.
In our view, the report represents an outdated agricultural policy inappropriate to the conditions and needs of a modern, global society.
To force through those outdated policies now would be disastrous, for it would make the crisis worse.