We've already eliminated more than 200 outdated rules and dozens of unnecessary data collections.
Free from outdated rules regarding outdoor clothing and morals, the Lawrences certainly had a more lively manner.
Bankers complain that thay are unfairly restrained by outdated rules.
The clips are seen in their original form, with outdated rules and references omitted.
He even insisted on all sorts of outdated hygienic rules, like having the nurses wear masks.
He explained that union membership was an outdated rule.
Bunt's brand of capitalism is played by the outdated rules of imperialism.
He designed the building for the chosen site, fighting battles all the way against outdated rules and regulations.
Contrary to outdated rules, no team has the right to block another team from coming into its territory.
Distributed generation has not been widely used because of outdated rules mandated by utility companies.