Part of the problem has been Telkom's outdated systems.
He said that an inefficient, outdated economic system is to blame for the country's crisis.
It is an outdated and inefficient system, which is not appropriate for this type of work.
The primary reason for the warning was due simply to the age of the building and the outdated systems and infrastructure.
"The outdated system had long been an impediment to job creation and economic growth."
"Which means that you're one of the foremost experts in outdated systems," said the employment agency.
Their solution is to return to an outdated system and then to try to improve it.
Our society must break away from the outdated system of school, work and pension.
We also know that, in the view of the Commissioner herself, this is an outdated system that must be brought to an end.
But, they say, the outdated system did contribute to the delay.