There will also be outdoor billboards in parts of four states.
In other (more modern) words: "Improve your business with outdoor billboards" (which are painted, pasted and papered).
A host of companies, including both Home Depot and Microsoft, are even starting to use outdoor billboards to seek job candidates.
As a result of a settlement with 46 states in November 1998, major tobacco companies were forced to withdraw all advertising from outdoor billboards.
For the last eight years, Western Union, the money-transfer company, has been advertising to the non-Hispanic ethnic market through print and radio, along with outdoor billboards.
It's a different matter than an outdoor billboard, where you're going to get a quick impression.
Liquor producers have relied, instead, on advertisements in printed publications and on outdoor billboards.
They are also states in which outdoor billboards are an important medium - a medium that fits this campaign well.
Public locations include outdoor billboards, roofs, sides of buildings and water towers.
In April 2003, the company publicly announced its new name, "Lenovo," with a large media campaign involving huge outdoor billboards and primetime television advertisements.