The school building still serves young people as an outdoor centre for the Girl Guides.
The weekend camps, which account for over 30% of overall expenditure, are held at outdoor centres throughout Scotland.
The town has health facilities, a cinema, a library, an outdoor center and a recreation center for youth.
Except for its glass walls and roof, this four-story-tall area has all the flavor of an outdoor center.
It has an outdoor centre which was formerly the old school and schoolhouse.
Throughout October and November, most outdoor centers popular with children continued to draw crowds.
Opened in 2000, It is a two level outdoor mix-used center that features a blend of entertainment, dining and shopping.
Now located in its place is an outdoor retail center which goes by the name Richardson Square.
Where residential clients are always sent via the court-system, the outdoor centre is open for anyone.
Preparatory lectures will give a theoretical perspective to a residential weekend at an outdoor centre.