Most outdoor faucets develop leaks when a washer inside or packing material near the handle deteriorates.
But when the entire system is shut down, close the outdoor faucets to prevent insects or other pests from entering the plumbing.
Rainwater is collected on the roof, which slopes three degrees in the center, and stored in a 792-gallon tank connected to an outdoor faucet.
Remember to shut off the supply water to all outdoor faucets.
Shut off the valve by turning it clockwise and then open the outdoor faucet to drain it.
Don't forget to move hoses inside and shut off outdoor faucets for winter.
And so, people do - to sleep on doorsteps, to bathe under outdoor faucets and to help themselves to the boxwood trees.
One was at the far end of the driveway, the maximum distance possible from the outdoor faucet.
He put the bag on the concrete patio and set the tub beside it, near a coiled hose that was attached to an outdoor faucet.
Afterward, leave the indoor faucets open, but close outdoor faucets to prevent insects and other pests from entering.