But there is no outdoor league now, and I don't want to cry over spilled milk.
The ice surface provided the Canadian players two months of play before they returned home to play in outdoor leagues back home.
That outdoor league went out of business 10 years ago.
"We don't have a professional outdoor league, and that makes a coach's job difficult," Caligiuri added.
In between those two teams, he played for numerous teams in multiple indoor and outdoor league.
Midland operate local leagues both indoor and outdoor for both women and men.
He spent his entire professional career in the United States where he played for numerous indoor and outdoor league.
The press release announced that each member franchise would play year round, in both indoor and outdoor professional leagues.
Over the years, he has played in five indoor and outdoor leagues, including Major League Soccer.
The USA has no professional outdoor league nor any convincing culture to justify its nomination as host country.