We began to view each outdoor meal as a narrow escape from hired assassins: the Day of the Grackle.
He could see families in their dining rooms and others cooking on barbecue grills in the backyards, having the last outdoor meals of the season.
There's elegant indoor dining room and an informal terrace, but the main attraction is the garden, a lovely spot for an outdoor meal in summer.
A picnic game is a game played at an outdoor meal or picnic.
Classical architecture provides the backdrop for an outdoor meal and games.
Serve the salad at outdoor meals as a relish or cold vegetable.
Describing an outdoor meal, Tarquin wanders off into the etymology of "barbecue."
One of the great warm-weather rituals is the outdoor meal.
They are great for a summer picnic or outdoor meal on a warm day.
The outdoor meals will be served under colorful California umbrellas.