During the late 1940s and 1950s, returning servicemen and their families started a migration to the suburbs, and all that outdoor space called for outdoor pastimes, including some experimentation with open-air cooking.
The Nawab used to tale a keen interest in outdoor but healthy pastimes such as cricket, football and tennis.
("Angler," Cheney's metaphorically apt Secret Service code name, refers to one of his two favorite outdoor pastimes, the one less hazardous to elderly lawyers.)
When the children grew older, the family's outdoor pastime of choice became field hockey.
These activities encompass many kinds of sports and outdoor pastime, from naked sky-diving to hiking and dancing.
Pace alone distinguishes speed hiking from outdoor pastimes like hiking and trail running.
Rock climbing is growing in popularity as an outdoor pastime.
The area around La Perouse developed as many seaside suburbs did through outdoor pastimes and weekend visitors, especially after the tram line was built in around 1900.
They approved of outdoor pastimes, never noticing that he returned home trembling and exhausted with rage every afternoon.
With the rise in popularity of distinctive urban and domestic activities during the Song Dynasty, there was a decline in traditional outdoor Chinese pastimes such as hunting, horseback riding, and polo.