The two outdoor pieces do affect our awareness of the site.
And both will be looking for important sculptures to buy, so the strong market for large, outdoor pieces is likely to grow stronger still.
These works range in size from gallery-sized installations to monumental outdoor pieces.
He painted many outdoor (plein air) pieces, but always returned to what he considered the serious work of the studio.
"Will it be an indoor or outdoor piece?"
The rage for antique outdoor pieces to put in a garden, or even indoors, has been growing over the last five years.
The work was conceived as an outdoor piece to commemorate the 3,000th anniversary of the city of Jerusalem.
"In real estate development the outdoor pieces had to be sculpture, weatherwise and sizewise," he said.
The best outdoor piece, this is an anti-monument, a kind of ruin-in-reverse.
Suspended or projecting units are reminders of a characteristic that is particularly effective in the artist's outdoor pieces.