The closed environment of a greenhouse has its own unique requirements, compared with outdoor production.
"Tartuffe" was not perhaps the wisest selection for an outdoor production, in which performances must compete with the elements.
Infection therefore only occurs where pigs have access to earthworms, for example, in outdoor production.
But this summer the company began "Shakespeare on the Sound," free outdoor productions on the lawn.
The skies opened up above the outdoor production, and the thunder and lightning created a magical, if perhaps dangerous, moment of drama.
Last year it organised a fantastic outdoor production of Alice in Wonderland with a huge tea party which we all loved.
The crumbling old mansion is now a perfect site for outdoor Shakespearean productions each August.
The Old Mill Theater began its first outdoor production based on the novel in 1960.
The plays are part of Shakespeare Live, an annual outdoor production in the region that is for charity.
It has secured a niche in outdoor and organic production.