They completed the circle of the inner walk, then turned and worked their way back along the outer arcs to the Princes Hall.
A bright green spot danced at the wide outer arc of the lines.
Reports have been received here of widespread and apparently orchestrated incidents along the outer arc of the Alliance's frontline systems.
Individual apartments are arranged in color quadrants, with additional smaller lifts to all other levels at convenient points on the outer arc.
The outer arc won't be finished for eighty days, but it seems very unlikely that anything catastrophic will happen immediately after that.
The site plan features a large crescent pathway with red maples and sugar maples planted along the outer arc.
Sulu looked over to see the first officer start around the upper, outer arc of the bridge toward the turbolift.
A figure was negotiating the second of its outer arcs, his attention so confined by this activity that he had apparently not yet noted our presence.
In the human it forms an outer arc around the anterior cingulate gyrus.
Analysis of more recent photographs, Dr. Smith said, showed the outer arc to be only 10 degrees shy of a complete circle.