As an outer manifestation of the inner strength and richness Mr. Birch means to convey, this surface is an inspired invention.
Creation Therapy is a new approach to counseling that deals with the inner man rather than outer manifestations or problems.
"I was trying to find an outer manifestation of what I was feeling," she recalled.
Ignoring outer manifestations of Aspect conversations was now considered good manners.
For the outer manifestations, he had chosen this isolate life below his educational capacity, not even particularly in keeping with his temperament.
However, the Prophets disparaged all such outer manifestations of repentance, insisting rather on a complete change of the sinner's mental and spiritual attitude.
But it only looked so sudden because the outer manifestation was so great.
Understanding moves from the outer manifestations of human action and productivity to explore their inner meaning.
Yong is the outer manifestation of something.
World is understood as the outer manifestation of reality, the multitude of physical forms that all people are familiar with.