The cable ran across a pulley to the wing's outer tip.
In a normal turbojet, the compressors rotational speeds are limited so that the outer tips of the blades remain subsonic.
Its transparent stalk was almost invisible in use, claimed the literature, but the outer tip contained microcameras and a stereo retinal projector.
The seaplane used a single float under the fuselage and floats under the outer tips of the lower wing.
His lean-faced character was recognisable by the outer tips of his eyebrows, which were wavy.
"Eiffel Tower" bows taper sharply, but smoothly, to a very narrow outer tip.
This includes the bridge of the nose, the outer tips of the ears and the skin around the pads of the feet.
The tail is bluish grey with white outer tips.
The under-wing is white except for dark outer tips to the primaries, and a narrow dark trailing edge.
Like a magnet, the thread's outer tip locked onto an approaching Storyship and he recognized the captain.