"The outermost circle is the place where the mists have completely taken the land, and no longer leave at all during the daylight."
Glancing at me to make certain I understood, she drew the outermost concentric circle.
The stalls, though, formed only the outermost circle.
Radial streets, sometimes called Avenues, extend from the Man to the outermost circle.
A sharp pinch made it jump forward- and reappear, without any apparent harm at all, on the far side of the outermost circle.
She is a woman who came to Washington and immediately found herself relegated to the outermost circle of Clinton advisers.
When we are considering the support which passes between kin we can exclude the outermost circle almost by definition.
The wagon was parked in the outermost circle, pulled there by a dozen Gypsy men amid the cheers of the rest.
She was standing by herself, outside the outermost circle, looking more uncomfortable than ever.
It curled like woodsmoke from my hand and flowed into the outermost circle.