Hoffman's wife, Tracy, says "Trevor's such an outgoing, friendly guy that even total strangers feel like they know him.
Samrat is a rich, fun-loving, outgoing guy with dashing looks, hot and is the star athlete, all of which make him the heartthrob.
Tom is one of the more outgoing guys on the force, while Semir is serious.
Ray seemed to be an outgoing, competent guy who took his job very seriously.
"Carlos is a very outgoing guy, so you might think he's being political or phony," Gillick said.
He really is an outgoing guy.
Sure, Calvin is a good guy, smart and outgoing.
He's actually a very outgoing guy.
He is this playful, outgoing guy, and she was a girl who was very low key, very reserved.
"I'm kind of an outgoing guy who does stupid things here and there," he said.