The film contains direct nods to James Bond in a comedic and outlandish style.
But in their outlandish style, the Mets kept it going.
Meeraji had adopted a deliberately outlandish style in his dress.
Typically playing an outlandish style of music with heavy screams and riffs, Tyler is more notorious for his stage antics than anything else.
The film exhibited little of the director's outlandish visual style and was never given wide release.
"Then why dress in this outlandish style?"
What makes it other than a common cup, if one of outlandish style?
The theater was designed by Thomas Lamb in a conventionally outlandish style in the character of most movie palaces of the period.
Just like Nobunaga, Toshiie was also a delinquent, usually dressed in the outlandish style of a kabukimono.
The film's following spread through costume parties as Little Edie's outlandish style of dress turned her into a fashion icon.