Senator Fowler was dressed outlandishly in baggy trousers flaring over soft, polished leather boots.
He had already seen the 3 outlandishly dressed figures but they interested him only for a second.
Their faces were strange and they were outlandishly dressed.
The result is a hybrid that looks lithe but powerful and is dressed outlandishly.
Gedge's resentment of priggishness would seem to have its configuration in the outlandishly dressed Duane.
Barricaded behind bottles and hors d'oeuvres at a corner table sat a dark man of oriental cast, magnificently but outlandishly dressed.
Three strangers, dressed outlandishly, stride down the aisle.
Ro stood at the window for several moments, gazing at the planet, before she was aware of an outlandishly dressed presence standing beside her.
They were dressed outlandishly in dirty clothes that reminded her of paintings of Christopher Columbus.
But most of the people were unknown to her, and a few of them were dressed outlandishly, as if they might have come from far away.