The area was originally outlying land, belonging to Skrea.
Moving to the other end of the field, he scrambled up a tree, settled into a comfortable niche, and sat back to survey the outlying lands.
Further outlying lands were rented out for farming.
They consisted of a few huts on outlying agricultural land that were inhabited on a seasonal basis.
"Maybe we need to do recruiting in the outlying lands," suggested Anna.
Last to arrive would be the cavalry units patrolling the outlying land for sign of the enemy.
Was it no longer open to the pilgrims who came from outlying lands to worship the Flame and immolate themselves?
Traces of how they used the area can be seen near the farms and on outlying land.
It was a cheerless place on a grey day, spring having gained but the most tentative of footholds in this outlying land.
At the lowest end of the classification is "Petit Chablis" which includes the outlying land.