Furthermore, the compression function used in FSB needs a large output size to guarantee security.
Both the block size of the hash function and the output size are completely scalable.
The security can be adjusted by adjusting the output size.
Skein supports internal state sizes of 256, 512 and 1024 bits, and arbitrary output sizes.
In this case, n is a security parameter rather than the output size.
Aside from providing support for more sharing options, however, Analog doesn't offer much control over final output size, file type, or compression.
Thus, the algorithm is output-sensitive: its running time depends on both the input size and the output size.
The extra "magnification" occurs when the image is enlarged more to produce output (print or screen) that matches a standard output size.
An algorithm such as theirs in which the running time depends on the output size is known as an output-sensitive algorithm.
Thus, the overall time for the algorithm is O(n log h) where h is the actual output size.