Once again, though, public outrage eventually forced the library to put the flag back on display.
Three weeks later, Surratt was to give a second lecture in Washington, D.C., but public outrage forced its cancellation.
In New Jersey, child welfare was underfunded until scandals and outrage forced the state to acknowledge its failure to protect some of its most vulnerable residents.
If this blocks GPS the public outrage will force this new service to shut down.
But public outrage and Rushdie's willingness to travel to Austria to receive the prize forced the government to reconsider its position.
In Chile, public outrage over the treaty forced the government to reject it.
But outrage over the CRTC's move forced the government to back down.
Only his hunger strike, and the Western world's outrage forced the Serbian regime to set the Draškovićs free.
The outrage, fed by mostly unconfirmed reports of large civilian casualties, forced the Americans to withdraw.
The public outrage forced the government to investigate relocating the facility.