In that year a toll booth was constructed on the western end of the bridge, and outraged residents burned it down before any tolls could be collected.
This outraged residents, who felt it would lead to the breakup of Davidson's Mains as a community.
News of the killings last Sept. 17 shocked and outraged many residents of Berlin, where the use of firearms is rare, even by criminals.
At Monday's Board of Trustees meeting, outraged residents rallied at the village hall to save their pools.
Police officials defended the shooting, saying it appeared that the officer had fired in self-defense, but outraged residents insisted that the shooting was unprovoked.
This outraged local residents, who were happy with the prior state of things, and Udall became a hated figure to many.
In some rural regions, outraged residents have begun to stage protests.
But outraged residents, along with the buildings' management, have vowed to fight the move, saying the company had greatly increased safety in the Coney Island housing project.
Judicial and police officials here said they were inundated with calls from outraged residents and curious news media outlets from around the country and beyond.
Unit 101 or outraged residents?