She plays various outrageous characters, but she blends them so smoothly you don't really see the change.
He is regarded as one of Jamaica's most outrageous and colourful characters.
I suppose he did a great service by making people laugh with those outrageous characters rather than at them.
We picked two outrageous characters where truth was stronger than fiction.
His early and private notebooks practically shout for joy at the outrageous character of his valid conjectures.
We needed riskier scenarios and more outrageous characters.
Nineteen outrageous characters fight their way through grueling slugfests to win the pot or settle a score.
Gorgeous George became one of the biggest stars during this period, gaining media attention for his outrageous character, which was described as flamboyant and charismatic.
So many contentious, brilliant and outrageous characters shout for attention that at times the story seems unreal.
She's an outrageous character who goes to Jamaica and falls in love with the local lunatic.